SpringGR Helps Entrepreneur Succeed During Covid

SpringGR Helps Entrepreneur Succeed During Covid

August 11, 2020

SpringGR Helps Entrepreneur Succeed During Covid

DeAndre Love is the mastermind behind the sandwich shop Burgers and Bomb Sandwiches. He recently graduated from the SpringGR class at Streams of Hope and was kind enough to chat with us about his experience!

His restaurant boasts a full list of handcrafted sandwiches, homemade fixins, and a build-your-own feature to accommodate for every taste. Though DeAndre had the menu down pat, he needed some assistance on the business end of things. “I was pretty established, but I just didn’t know business,” he said.

That’s where SpringGr came in.

DeAndre joined our SpringGr class earlier this year. “I was anxious to see exactly what it would be. But when the class started, I felt welcomed,” said DeAndre. He wasn’t sure if Zoom classes would match up with his learning style. As it turned out, he ended up liking online classes better! “I found [virtual learning] to be easier. You can literally do anything you want to do, you just have to listen.”

SpringGR held a socially-distant graduation ceremony this summer to celebrate the entrepreneurs who successfully completed the business training.

So how did DeAndre make the most of the SpringGr sessions? He put his phone on speaker mode at the restaurant so his staff could listen in as well!

With the help of his business coach, DeAndre was able to identify his target market and create a concrete marketing plan. Over the course of their weekly meetings together, he built a strong relationship with his coach, Chris. He was constantly challenging DeAndre to find new ways to improve his business: “He got on my nerves in the best way possible,” DeAndre recalls fondly.

Of course, it’s difficult to talk about small businesses without mentioning the pandemic. DeAndre’s storefront was suddenly unable to have guests, leaving the restaurant in a very difficult situation. During this time, DeAndre’s coach offered him this piece of wisdom: “During COVID, we’re going to see who really wants to be an entrepreneur, not just talking about it.” It was sink or swim. And luckily, DeAndre stayed afloat with flying colors.

DeAndre applied lessons from SpringGr and pivoted his restaurant towards take-out and catering opportunities. “SpringGR taught me how to continue to work in times of crisis. Stick to your business plan. Follow the guidelines of the book – any business you want to create, those guidelines will get you there successfully,” he said.

DeAndre urges “anybody that has the opportunity to be a part of SpringGR” to “just take it. Jump on it. Even if you don’t get to do your pitch. Or Covid happens. They actually care about seeing you succeed in your business. It works.”

The BABS dine-in storefront is currently closed due to COVID, but their delicious homemade sandwiches are available for take-out and catering. You can also find DeAndre’s business on Instagram and Facebook.

Are you a small business owner? We’d love to help support your journey towards success! Check out SpringGr’s official website to learn more about the program.

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