Shepherd’s Voice

Shepherd’s Voice

April 29, 2024

Shepherd’s Voice

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

Research shows that babies begin recognizing their mother’s voice from the womb. They hear the muffled sound so often, that soon after birth they can differentiate between their mother’s voice and unfamiliar ones. In a similar way sheep can recognize the voice of their shepherd.

In John 10, Jesus uses the example of shepherding to describe himself and his followers. Jesus declares that he is the Good Shepherd. Like a shepherd protects and leads sheep, Jesus cares for us. He not only guides us, but he knows us in a personal way. John 10:14, 27 says “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me…my sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.”

Jesus knows us by name. He knew us before we were born and he knows us now. Our Savior knows us completely; our desires, struggles and questions. He sees it all and still wants a relationship with us. Jesus wants us to know him, who he his, and his love for us. Our Lord isn’t distant, he is personal and wants us to know him so well that we recognize his voice everyday.

Our world is full of voices competing for our attention. We are constantly bombarded with messages about how we should live. But, Jesus is the one voice we are called to follow. His voice should stand out among the rest because we recognize the voice of our Savior who knows us deeply.

Consider how you have heard Jesus’ voice in your life. Perhaps through a trusted friend, the words of Scripture or lyrics of a song. Whatever the way, rest assured that the Good Shepherd knows you and is calling you by name.

Do you recognize the voice of your Savior? Have you heard him lovingly calling you into the protection of his arms? What voices try to take your attention away? Who or what has helped you to recognize the voice of Jesus? What questions do you have about the care of our Good Shepherd?


Heavenly Father, We praise you for Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who not only died for us but knows us each by name. May the truth of his personal love for us bring great joy and reassurance. Give us eyes and ears to listen for your voice each day and the boldness to follow where you lead. It’s in Jesus’ name that we pray, Amen.

Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator

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