Wisdom in God’s Word

Wisdom in God’s Word

June 26, 2023

Wisdom in God’s Word

“But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season.”
Psalm 1:2-3

We are constantly surrounded by thoughts on the best way to live. For example, one google search of “how to parent” gives 4.2 billion results in less than 0.5 seconds, each claiming to know the best way to raise kids. Parenting is just one example. For every life question there are many places we can go for guidance. From web articles and books, to trusted people, these sources can be helpful. However, if we turn only to these places, we will miss the greatest source of knowledge at our disposal, the Bible.

Books like Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are known as wisdom books, but all of God’s word is meant to both teach and guide us. In fact, the book of Psalms has specific chapters devoted to instructions for living. One such passage is Psalm 1.

In this psalm the author gives advice on how to walk with the Lord. Verse 1 lays out things we should not do. A faithful Christ follower does not “walk in step with the wicked”. Or as another translation says, “walks not in the counsel of the ungodly”. This means that we shouldn’t quickly agree or disagree with advice, but rather consider if the guidance is godly or ungodly. In addition, following God means we do not “stand in the way sinners take”. We are not called to make the most popular choices or follow other people’s behaviors. Rather, we are called to a different way of living.

Verse 2 addresses this way of living. We follow the Lord, by delighting in his law and meditating on it. To delight in the law of the Lord is to find joy in it. It means that we are filled with happiness when we read God’s word and hear the message he has for us. When we truly delight in God’s word, we hunger for more of it. We don’t simply read it, we ponder it. We meditate on it all day and let it sink into our hearts.

When we allow God’s word to sink into our hearts, we are laying a firm foundation for our lives. The psalmist compares it to trees planted by streams of water. Like a tree with constant access to water, we are constantly connected to the one who gave us life and sustains us. This gives us deep roots and a firm foundation so that we are not blown over by life’s challenges.

This way of living is not easy, and takes continual commitment, to put God first and delight in him. But when we do, God works to produce fruit in our lives. Psalm 1:3 declares that those who abide in the Lord will “yield fruit in its season”. This fruit isn’t constant or characterized by material blessing. Rather it is seen in our character, and it is seen in God’s timing not our own.

So next time you are in need of guidance, ask the trusted individuals in your life but also remember Psalm 1. Turn to the Bible as your most important source of wisdom. Think about your own habits and how you view God’s word. Does spending time in the Bible bring you joy? What can you do to more firmly plant yourself in God’s word this week?


Heavenly Father, We thank you for being our source of life and truth. Thank you for giving us your word to teach and guide us. When we face questions or challenges, may we turn to you above all else. Grow in us a desire to read your word and know you better. As we do, may we experience the delight in your word that the psalmist describes. We pray this in your son’s name, Amen.

Blessings in your week,

Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator

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