The “Salty” Life

The “Salty” Life

February 14, 2023

The “Salty” Life

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
Matthew 5:13 NIV

Salt has many helpful uses. In baking and cooking it is used to add flavor and taste. Sometimes it can be used to clean hard surfaces. It is put on roads to melt ice, and in many cultures and Bible times it was also used for preservation of meats and other foods. In the ancient world salt was a valuable resource because it kept precious food resources from going bad. Salt was important and necessary.

Therefore, in Matthew 5 when Jesus calls his followers to be the salt of the earth, it has quite a bit of significance. This phrase would have prompted the disciples to think of the value of salt’s preserving use. Just as salt preserves food, Christ’s followers are meant to have a preserving and lasting influence. We are called to uphold God’s commands and have a distinctive influence on our culture. We are called to exemplify the love of God and live in such a way that people wonder what makes us different. God calls us to a life that stands out and preserves his truth.

Sometimes this call is difficult. In the midst of complex schedules, work and family life, we can get caught up in our culture and as Matthew 5 says, begin to “lose our saltiness”. When this happens, God calls us to look to Christ for encouragement and strength. In many ways, Christ was counter cultural in his teachings and actions. His love crossed boundaries, his radical grace offended people and his distinctive lifestyle has had a lasting influence on all of humanity. So, when we struggle with what it means to live a “salty life” we can look to the example of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Reflect: What does it mean to live a “salty” life? In what areas of life is it more difficult to follow Christ’s example? How can you encourage someone else to live the distinctive life God is calling them to? How is God calling you to live distinctively in your context?


Heavenly Father, We praise and thank you for Jesus and the example he set of a distinctive life. As we go throughout our weeks, show us how you are calling us to be different. Lay on our hearts the ways we can better preserve and maintain your truth as we go throughout our day. Help us to support one another as we seek to follow Christ’s example. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Blessings in your week,

Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator

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