Set Free For Relationship
April 24, 2023

“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.” Romans 4:4-7
In a skim of the Old Testament, you will quickly find laws and regulations. Exodus 20 includes the Ten Commandments, but beyond that there are many instructions about offerings, festivals, and right living. So many, that the first five books of the Bible are called the Books of the Law. These laws were important. The people of Israel were given these instructions as a way to experience God and atone for their sin. The law was a gift from God to his people.
Fast forward and today we have a different understanding. Because in his life, death, and resurrection, Christ changed the law. Instead of God requiring specific actions for forgiveness, Christ enacted a new way. A law in which our sins are forgiven, not because of anything we can offer, but because he offered himself. In Christ, we are free from the law to live a new life with him.
This concept of freedom from the law for relationship is expressed well in Galatians 4:4-7. Paul explains that Jesus came to completely redeem us, and free us from the need for the Old Testament law. As Romans 4:7 states, through Christ we have died to the law so that we might belong to him. We not only belong to Christ our Lord, but we are adopted as sons and daughters. What an amazing gift that is! To belong to our Heavenly Father, is to have a personal relationship with him, to know him, to speak to him directly, and to be deeply known and loved by him.
The Bible still calls us to follow God’s instructions, including the Ten Commandments. But we are no longer bound by the constrictions of the old law. Our relationship with God isn’t dependent on our actions. It is not dependent on going to church, giving enough, attending Bible classes, or refraining from bad behavior. Each of these things is hopefully an outcome of our relationship with God. But our salvation is purely dependent on what Christ has done. Christ has freed us from a faith dependent on actions. Because of Christ, we are free to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father.
As we go through this week, remember that you are a child of God and God wants to have a personal relationship with you. Spend a few minutes reflecting today: How can you better understand your freedom from the law for relationship? In what ways is God inviting you to lean into your relationship with him? Who in your life needs to hear that God wants a personal relationship with them?
Heavenly Father, we come before you in awe of your love and grace. What a gift it is to call you “Father” and to know that we are your children. We thank you, that in Christ, we are free from the constrictions of laws and actions, and free to have a personal relationship with you. Fill our hearts with the desire to know you more and as we do may our actions reflect the way you desire us to live. We pray this in your son’s name, Amen.
Blessings in your week,
Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator
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