Repeat Cleansing

Repeat Cleansing

February 13, 2024

Repeat Cleansing

“Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean.” John 13:10

I love the recent warm days. But I’m never a fan of melting snow. Inevitably white piles turn brown and frozen ground turns into mud. Trying to keep entryway floors clean in those conditions is nearly impossible. Almost immediately after cleaning, a new muddy footprint will find its home onto the shiny floor. That part of my house is one that needs frequent washing.

In the same way our hearts need daily cleansing. In John 13 Jesus addresses this very topic with Peter. In the well-known scene, Jesus shocks his disciples by leaving the dinner table and washing their feet. While the story sparks many lessons about serving others, Peter’s conversation with Jesus teaches us something else.

Peter is shocked that Jesus would stoop down to wash his feet. So, he protests, but Jesus insists that the washing is necessary. Upon hearing this, Peter eagerly changes his mind and wants his whole body washed. He doesn’t want to miss anything Jesus has to offer. However, Jesus clarifies that he is bathed and only his feet need washing.

To some, this exchange seems only about daily cleansing habits. But it goes deeper, to the spiritual state of our hearts. By believing in Jesus, we are completely cleansed and saved from the penalty of sin. But just like feet or an entryway, we need repeat cleaning. Sin still taints our world, and we need daily cleansing to remove the dirt of sin in our lives. God invites us to do this through confession and repentance.

Confession is an important discipline but it can be difficult. Admitting our wrongdoing is uncomfortable. But through confession the Holy Spirit transforms our lives. When we open our hearts, allow the Holy Spirit to convict us, and in repentance admit our sin, we invite God to meet us in our mess and transform it into something beautiful. Through confession we honestly bring our mistakes and failures to our Lord. And in return, we find that our Father, in his love, is faithful and just to forgive us (1 John 1:9).

The transformation that takes place through confession is truly a gift, and one we should embrace regularly, especially in this season. This week marks the beginning of Lent, a season dedicated to repentance. It is a time of preparation for Easter, that includes intentional confession and being vulnerable with God.

So as we consider the discipline of confession, I invite you to be honest with God. Lean into the discomfort and openly admit your brokenness to your Father. As you do, may your heart be transformed as you more fully experience the greatness of his love.


Heavenly Father, As we enter into the season of Lent, may we take time to reflect on all you have done for us and be honest. Holy Spirit, move in our hearts to convict us of the things we need to confess and lead us to a place of repentance. As we do so, remind us of your love and grace shown to us through Jesus, in whose name we pray, Amen.

Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator

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