Our Everlasting King
July 5, 2023
“The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.” Psalm 93:1
Although the Fourth of July commemorates the split from the British monarchy many years ago, there is still a fascination with the royal family among many in the United States. Whether it was the life and death of Princess Diana, the marriages of Prince Harry and Prince William, the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth or the coronation of King Charles III, there is a certain intrigue to the lifestyle of the royal family. The unfamiliar structure piques the curiosity of people all around the globe. Perhaps royalty is interesting because it feels foreign to us. However, as Christians we are much more familiar with royalty than we realize.
We often consider God as our loving Heavenly Father and Lord, who sent his son, Jesus, our Savior and Messiah. But the Bible is also clear that God is our king. In fact he is the king of all kings. The royal psalms boldly proclaim God’s reign as king over all the word. Psalm 93 is just one of those psalms.
Verses 1-2 emphatically establish the Lord’s rule over all things. The psalmist details the Lord “robed in majesty and strength” and seated upon a throne that was “established long ago”. These descriptions point to God’s sovereignty and eternity. His rule is everlasting. Earthly thrones are temporary, but the throne of God is eternal and unchanging.
When we understand these aspects of God as king we begin to see how his might is expressed in creation. Verses 3-4 describe how the strength of earthly forces such as flood waters, cannot compare to our Lord, for the Lord “is mightier”. As fearsome and powerful as anything on earth may be, God is greater. He reigns over everything.
Just as God’s reign as king is everlasting, so is his word. His message to us in the Bible stands firm over all time. We can trust his word because he is our holy king. We need not fear because he reigns over our lives and our world. Nothing can stand against him. He is everlasting and unchanging, he is forever.
As you go through the rest of this week take a moment to consider God our king and imagine standing before his majestic throne in worship. As you do, consider what waves of your life threaten to overwhelm? How does the reminder of God’s eternal and sovereign reign bring peace in challenging times?
Lord, You alone are sovereign and everlasting. You created all things and rule with strength and mercy. We are grateful for your unchanging nature. When we feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face, may we remember that you are mightier than any obstacle in our way. Instead of being crushed by fear, may we cling to your word and fall before your throne in worship. We pray this in your son’s name, Amen.
Blessings in your week,
Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator
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