God Made Known

God Made Known

October 9, 2023

God Made Known

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” John 1:1-2

We learn the most from people when we listen to their words and hear their story. Dating couples specifically spend time with one another getting to know each other through conversation. Words help reveal who a person is. The power of words was even more significant in the time of John. Perhaps, that is the reason John opens his gospel boldly declaring Jesus as, “the Word”.

In Greek the “word”, is logos. Logos was a well-known philosophical term referring to something of “first cause”. The “word” also had significance among the Israelites. In the Old Testament, God’s word represented his will and power in the world. God was revealed through his words to people like Moses and Elijah. The words God spoke were truth and when he said something it happened. The word of the Lord was powerful.

Therefore, to describe Jesus as “the Word” is significant. I think John knew what he was doing. He specifically used language that his audience would relate to, but he didn’t just use their understanding of “logos”, he expanded the meaning. John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” This verse is packed with symbolism, and reveals significant truths. Jesus has always existed, he is God and yet he is distinct from God the Father.

John intentionally starts with “in the beginning” to draw his audience back to the creation story. He then goes on to tell us that the world was created through Jesus (John 1:3). All things have life through him. Jesus, “the Word” is the sustainer of everything, including our lives. So, not only has Jesus existed before creation, but “the Word” is God and he reveals our Heavenly Father to us.

Just as we get to know someone through words, God is revealed to us in Jesus. The word of God in the Old Testament showed who he was and his will. Jesus makes God known to us. Through his life, miracles, teachings, and interactions, the fullness of our Heavenly Father’s love for us is shown.

The rest of John’s gospel continues to reveal, “the Word” to us, so that we might believe in him. Each verse tells more about our Savior. But from the beginning John wants us to know that Jesus is God revealed to us. The words he speaks are true, he is “the Word” and as it says in John 14:6, he is “the truth”. Our Lord is eternal, almighty and mysterious but God doesn’t leave us alone to wonder who he is. Instead, he sent his son to reveal himself and draw us to him.

Spend some time reflecting on “the Word”. How has God revealed himself to you through Jesus? John used his gospel to make Jesus known to us. How can you make Jesus known to someone else?


Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our sins and to show us who you are. As we seek to know you better may we be drawn to Jesus and all that he has to teach us. May we also have a deep desire to dive into your word each day. Just as John sought to make Jesus known, show us ways we can make Jesus known to those around us. It is in his name that we pray, Amen.

Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator

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