Freedom from Bondage
April 17, 2023

Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:34-36
You may be aware that the word “gospel” means “good news”. It is fitting because as believers we know that the Gospel is the best news we could imagine, for many different reasons. One central reason is that the Gospel brings freedom. Freedom from many things and for many things. So over the next few weeks our devotionals will look at different aspects of the freedom we have in Christ. Beginning with freedom from bondage to sin.
The word freedom itself implies some kind of bondage and the need to be set free. The New Testament writers make it clear that all humans are in bondage. Not the physical kind, but a spiritual bondage to sin. As John 8:34 says we are “slaves to sin”. Let that truth sink in for a moment. We might willingly admit that we are sinful people but how often do we recall that without Christ we are enslaved people. We aren’t just occasional sinners; we are in bondage to sin. The kind of bondage that we can’t free ourselves from. We need freedom from our bondage and that is exactly what Christ offers us.
Christ paid the price for our freedom so that we could be released from our bondage. He freed us so that we are no longer slaves to sin but free to live a new life in him. We are free from the shackles of sin, free from the punishment our sin deserves and he wants us to live into that freedom.
The Gospel tells us that we are freed from our bondage to sin but also freed for something better. We are freed for a better life in Christ. A life marked by grace and truth. In Romans 6 Paul describes this freedom in detail. He boldly declares that we have died to sin so that we may live a new life, a life alive in Christ. In this new life we are invited to offer ourselves to the one who freed us so that he might work his righteousness in and through us. When we accept the freedom Christ has given us then “sin shall no longer be [our] master, because [we] are not under the law, but under grace” (Romans 6:14). There is great joy and peace knowing that in Christ we are freed to live under grace.
As you go throughout this week, reflect on this freedom. How have you felt or seen the weight of sin’s bondage? In Christ we are freed from and freed for. In what ways is God calling you to more fully embrace your freedom for a new life? Who in your life needs to be reminded that they have been set free from sin’s shackles?
Heavenly Father, the Gospel is indeed good news for the whole world. We are so grateful that in Christ we are free. Free from our bondage to sin and free to live a new life. Help us to fully embrace that freedom, to cast off sin’s shackles and lean into the life you have given us. Let the truth of our freedom impact our hearts and fill us with peace and joy. We pray this in your son’s name, Amen.
Blessings in your week,
Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator
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