Daily Worship

Daily Worship

January 29, 2024

Daily Worship

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1

What picture does the word worship bring to mind? Perhaps a church with an organ and hymn books, or maybe a band and people lifting their hands in praise. Both are valid pictures of what worship looks like in action. But what if it is much more than that. What does worship look like if we consider it beyond Sunday mornings?

At its core, worship is our human response to God’s great love for us. It is the act of showing reverence, adoration, and gratitude to God for who he is and what he has done. In Romans 12:1-2 Paul teaches that worship is about laying our lives down for the Lord. When we offer our very selves, we are worshiping God. In John 12:1-11 Mary gives us a great example of what wholehearted worship looks like.

Jesus is at a dinner with close friends when Mary pours a jar of expensive perfume on his feet. She then lets down her hair, and uses it to wipe the perfume. As a result the entire room is filled with the fragrance. Judas criticizes her actions and motives, but Jesus defends her beautiful and bold act as one of worship.

Mary’s action was risky. It cost her something valuable and potentially her reputation. It was not polite for a Jewish woman to let her hair down in public. By doing so, she not only humbled herself but risked what people thought of her. And yet, she didn’t see it that way. She anointed Jesus out of deep love and gratitude. The entire scene points to her heart of worship. Mary was extreme in her love for Jesus and her bold act of worship left a sweet aroma for all in the room to experience. She didn’t care what people would say because it wasn’t about her. She only cared about offering what she could to her Lord and Savior. That is what worship is all about.

In the same way, worship isn’t about us. It isn’t about the songs we sing or the music style we prefer. It is about our Heavenly Father and giving him the praise and adoration he is due. Worship takes place more than just at church. In John 4:23-24 Jesus declares that worship happens outside of specific places and is centered in our hearts. In other words, worship is about how we live each day.

Daily worship involves a change of perspective that values God first. When we see God in everything, worship becomes natural. We begin to recognize each mundane interaction as a chance to praise him. Suddenly, the cashier is another masterpiece of our amazing creator. The laundry pile points to our Heavenly Father who clothes and provides for us. The meeting with a client becomes an opportunity to extend a bit of the grace God has given us. Worship takes place when we submit every part of our day to God.

God absolutely delights in the worship and praise that takes place in churches, but he also delights in the personal adoration we offer. As you go through this week, consider your perspective on worship. In what way can you intentionally praise God in the mundane? How can your life leave the sweet aroma of worship to those around you? What step can you take to more completely offer yourself in worship to God?


Heavenly Father, we praise and thank you for who you are and what you have done for us. You alone are holy and worthy of our praise. May our entire lives be an offering of worship to you. Let every interaction point us back to you and may we live in such a way that others are enveloped by the sweet aroma of our worship. It is in Jesus’ name that we pray. Amen.

Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator

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