March Prayer Newsletter
March 5, 2024

Streams continues to be full of energy and excitement as our programs are all in full swing. As we head into March, join us in lifting the following requests to our Heavenly Father:
- Food Center: We thank God for our volunteers who give of their time each week. Pray for the families that come to the Food Center. Many are experiencing difficult situations. Pray for God’s presence in their circumstances and Streams to be a light to them.
- Tutoring: Continued prayers for success in reaching each student. Praise God for our amazing tutors and especially our new tutors who have recently joined.
- Meals on Wheels: Praise God for an amazing volunteer who has gotten involved offering activities once a week at the Meals on Wheels lunches. Pray for all participants to enjoy the hot meals and fellowship with one another.
- Streams ‘U’: We are so grateful for Jeff Ashby’s willingness to share his insight during our parenting class in February. We praise God that the class went well and participants were eager and engaged. Prayers for the next class, Trauma 101, led by Arek O’Connel. Pray for good community engagement and discussion.
- Praise God for his continued provision and join us in praying for the continued generosity of our donors.
Current News
- Diaper Drive: Diapers are a huge need for families in our neighborhood and our food center diaper supply remains low. If your church, small group or organization would be willing to do a diaper drive, let us know! Reach out to makalah@streamsgr.org or heidi@streamsgr.org for more details.
- Neighborhood Cleanup Day: With the signs of spring, we are planning for our annual Neighborhood Cleanup Day. On May 11 we will bring in dumpsters for our neighbors to clean out their homes while also tackling spring cleaning on our campus. We need your help to make this happen! Would your small group or family be willing to come out to help? If so, email makalah@streamsgr.org for details.
- Streams ‘U’ Childcare: We are in need of more volunteers to help care for the kids during our upcoming Trauma 101 workshop. If you are interested in helping out with child care, reach out to sue@streamsgr.org for the dates.
- Thank you! A huge thank you to Service Professor for donating birthday kits, Cutlerville East CRC for donating canned goods and Hillside Community Church for donating cereal. These donations greatly help as we provide food to families in our neighborhood!