Because He Lives
April 2, 2024
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die” John 11:25
Many west Michigan families are on Spring Break this week. Although traveling can be enjoyable, the day after vacation can be rough. The abrupt return to routine can be a bit of a letdown. We quickly forget the joy and rejuvenation that time away offered. Without intentionality, the days after Easter can have a similar effect.
Throughout Lent and Holy Week we specifically focus our thoughts, prayers and actions towards the cross. We anticipate Christ’s death and eagerly celebrate his resurrection. But what about today? What is our reaction as we return to the pace of life? As we head into this week I challenge us to continue the celebration and let Easter shape the way we move forward.
A short time before his death, in a conversation with Martha, Jesus boldly declared “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). At Easter this is proven to be true. When we believe in and know Jesus, we know resurrection. When we invite Jesus into our lives we experience new life.
In Romans 6:5 Paul explains that we are united in resurrection with Christ. Without Jesus we were all dead in our sin. But at Easter, Jesus took our sin and exchanged it for his resurrected life of righteousness. He resurrected our lives to make us alive in him. The hymn “Because He lives” beautifully embraces this truth. The lyrics say “because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone.” We can face each day because Jesus didn’t stay in the grave.
Our lives are different because of what took place at the empty tomb. From that day forward we are made new. We don’t have to fear death because we know who writes our story. The darkness and pain of this world will not prevail because we have been resurrected with Jesus. This truth should change our thoughts, hearts, and interactions.
At the end of his conversation with Martha, Jesus asked “do you believe?”(John 11:26). As we settle back into routine, I challenge us to consider the question. Do you believe that Easter impacts every day of your life? Do you live differently, knowing that you were dead in your sin but are now alive in Christ? What can you do to more fully embrace the new life you have been given?
Heavenly Father, Words cannot express our joy, knowing that Jesus rose from the grave. We are so grateful for the resurrection and that we are resurrected with him. As we move through this week, may we intentionally continue to celebrate Easter. Help us to more fully embrace the life that we have through you and respond with gratitude. We pray this in the name of Jesus, our resurrection and life, Amen
Makalah Scholten
Spiritual Care Coordinator
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